The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Is THIS the Democrats' Plan to Remove Biden From the 2024 Ticket?

Rumors are spreading fast that President Biden may soon drop out of the 2024 presidential race. But who would his replacement be? Are the Democrats stuck with Kamala Harris? Will they tap California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Or will their reluctant knight in shining armor, Michelle Obama, be drafted in an open Democratic National Convention? Glenn, Pat, and Stu speculate. Plus, they also discuss whether Biden will step down willingly...or if the Left will use a much dirtier trick ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Listen to this. The Republican vice presidential nomination included J.D. Vance, and he dropped an Easter egg of white nationalism. An Easter egg. Quoting, I know there was not the same red meat sort of blood and soil nationalism you might hear in I don't know, other parallel universe Republican conventions. So now we're into parallel universes.

But I do think there were sort of Easter eggs of white nationalism in his speech. One of the things that stuck out to me, was when he started talking about what America is. He said America is not just an idea.

It's a group of people with a shared history. And a common future.

The thing about America is, it's not a group of people with shared history. In fact, I think a lot of people would argue, it's quite the opposite. It's a lot of people with different histories and different heritages. Oh, my gosh. And then she goes into how he wants to be buried in Kentucky.

But not in San Diego, where his wife's foreign parents are from. And it's like, are you out of -- I mean, these people have literally gone insane. Literally gone insane.

STU: Again, gone is an interesting way. I don't know that they were ever -- was there ever a moment of sanity that -- I may have missed that show that they put on.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: But, yeah. It's interesting.

And here's a thing. And I don't know if you guys feel this way. But I will just throw this theory out here for a second. While I, of course, mock them relentlessly for these crazy theories. And honestly, some people on the right, are coming up with crazy theories, and I mock them a little bit as well.

I feel like everybody comes up with crazy theories. At least that's how I would normally react in this particular situation. This particular story though is so bonkers. They're so -- it's so hard to believe, that they just were like, eh. I guess let's leave that roof unattended.

These things are so crazy, that I give a little bit more grace on conspiracy theories here than I normally would. Do you buy that one, Glenn?

GLENN: Yeah, but that one at least makes sense. Doesn't it, Pat?

I mean, the one, we didn't go up on that roof, because it had a slant to it. I mean, you want to talk about safety first.

PAT: I know. I know.

GLENN: Holy cow. It had a slant to it. Yeah. Like a 3-degree grade.

PAT: And forget the fact that it had a slope.

GLENN: It's nuts.

PAT: What about, I don't know. Station somebody at the ladder that leads to the roof. Could you do that? You're so worried about -- about your agents not being able to stand or sit or lay on that slope, that you wanted them inside the building instead. But you couldn't put somebody out where the ladder is that leads to the roof?

Kind of insanity.

STU: Yeah. And I don't know if you guys saw this, but sorry -- the New York Times had a video that they put out of this -- this whole incident. And they showed the two pairs of snipers on -- from the Secret Service or police on the two buildings. One of the sniper teams was set up in a position in which a tree blocked that building.

PAT: Hmm.

STU: This is why the farther away sniper team is actually the one with the successful shot. But like why on earth would you set up in a position in which there was a tree in between you and the one elevated position in the entire field?

Like, I just, it's impossible.

GLENN: Because we have sniper Sam and sniper Sid. Right, Sniper Sid? You're there with the Secret Service. I'm there. Sniper Sam and Sniper Sid.


STU: It's bizarre.

GLENN: Who is running that place? Who is running that place? And then the other one that, you know, just gets me. They're not talking about a conspiracy of COVID.

He's got COVID.

Come on. How many times has that guy had COVID?

I don't know anybody who has COVID anymore, and is like, oh, I'm just wiped out with COVID. I just can't handle it. I think that guy could die in his sleep in the next week. It's like, you know, he'll have to decide if he will die or not. He will have to decide, will he drink the medicine we'll give him every night or not? Because it will be his decision.

I mean, I just think that they're serious about getting rid of him.

STU: And to add to this, it was immediately after an interview he gave, in which for the first time he opened up the possibility of stepping down for a health crisis.

Like, it was -- it was literally the last thing he did, before the COVID isolation, was to say, yeah, if a big health crisis came along.

But then he went -- and, excuse me.

Then he went and got into people's faces at a Mexican restaurant, and gave them all COVID. But after that, he went into isolation. I mean, it is -- every single story is impossible to believe. That's where we are.

GLENN: So what happens from here?

Pat, what do you -- I mean, I think that there is a real chance.

Remember, Abraham Lincoln was elected the nominee, by the Republican Party on the 50th ballot.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: And that's when they all just started going crazy. And they're like, I don't know. The guy with a wart on his face.

And I could see that happening with Michelle Obama. They go through, and they're just doing an open convention. And they can't decide on somebody. And somebody is like, Michelle Obama.

And everybody is like, yay! The next ballot Michelle Obama wins, and she's drafted.

I mean, I just think that's so plausible.

PAT: Except, I don't think she will run.

She doesn't want it. She does not want it! She hates this country too much to do that kind of work. She loves her life too much to do that kind of work.

STU: But if the hatred of the country is a big feature --

PAT: She could continue to destroy it.

GLENN: Reason to do it.

STU: Yeah.

PAT: The other aspect is, how much she loves the life of a 100 million dollar deal from Netflix, and all the fruits of that deal.

And the life they're living now. She doesn't want to give that up.

STU: And I think we can all realize that she deserves can that life.

PAT: She does. Yes. Please.

STU: She should continue to enjoy it forever. There's only reason to be involved in politics, Michelle. You're above this now!

GLENN: The only reason you're saying that, is Stu just doesn't want to lose the $6,000 bet.

STU: Six! You keep inflating this. It's three, and you know it's three.

GLENN: It's Bidenflation, I don't want it to keep going up. But it's Bidenflation.

STU: I think very much you do at this point. We're at the point almost, where I can't win the bet.

That's the problem. Because I had -- as Biden would be on the ticket. You had Michelle. And there is this in between ground where Biden steps down, and it's Kamala Harris, and neither of us win. And we're getting into that ground right now, and it does not make me comfortable.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: You know what is amazing to me?

Is that if you look at this, with Michelle Obama, what you just said, she loves her lifestyle too much.

She hates America so much.

But she loves her lifestyle more than she hates America.

So she would never do it. Okay?

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Look at Donald Trump. He's got an amazing lifestyle. They've destroyed it. They've destroyed his family. They've hauled him in front of court after court after court.

And then they shoot him. And he stills gets up on the stage, and says, I'm running, because we've got to stop this insanity.

PAT: Yeah. Big time difference. Big difference.

GLENN: Which one? Yeah, what a difference!

PAT: Yeah. It does look like -- I'm sure you guys mentioned it earlier. It does look like this weekend might be it though, for the Biden campaign. I don't know. That's what they're saying. And there's a pretty detailed -- where did I see this?

I don't know. MSNBC, I think. No! It was NewsMax. It was NewsMax.

They were talking about this really detailed plan now, to open up the convention and bring in Kamala Harris.

And she's already preapproved her running mate, supposedly. And also, there would be Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer.

And those are the three that are going to battle it out on the floor, at the convention. Do you buy that?

STU: I think it goes right to Kamala Harris, honestly, which is not an exciting opportunity for the Democrats. That sort of plan that could lead to Glenn winning this stupid bet, which I never agreed to.

GLENN: Wait.

STU: Which is that Glenn, you have those three. Fighting it out.

It gets so ugly. No one can make a decision. Then Michelle comes in over the top, and says, oh, here I am. She comes down from the sky. With clouds and light beams.

PAT: And people are like, look at those arms. Look at those arms. They need to be in the Oval Office, those arms.

STU: Yes, that's the only they can live, and then she winds up coming in over the top and then just wiping all of this out and winning. It's still -- I think it's a long shot for it to happen.

PAT: She's not going to do it.

STU: There is some scenario, where it gets so chaotic. They need something like that. I mentioned to Glenn, I think off the air. I don't know if we talked about it on the air again today. I'm very confused. It was a very late night last night.

But all of the reporting about the Biden stuff, about him stepping down this weekend, is all nonsense.

It's all like, one headline from the New York Times yesterday was, Biden now is warming to the belief, that he may have to step down.

That isn't saying anything! What do you mean he's warming to the -- this is like one of those old School Al Gore statements, that is filled with so many disclaimers. It doesn't mean anything about the climate. It's all this tough. It's all leaked by Nancy Pelosi. She wants him out. She's leaking every negative thing about him. His own -- his own people inside. Like his close advisers. And everyone says, are the people around him. Are all saying, this stuff is all fake. It's just all included in the paragraph. Like paragraph 12 of these stories. Like Nancy Pelosi screeds against this guy, and the New York Times wants him out, and the Washington Post wants him out. And MSNBC wants him out, and CNN wants them out. So they're just all running with it.

He may very well get pushed out by all this pressure. It may work.

But they have a plan. It is very consistent with what the left does, when they want an outcome. Which is lie and leak. And then force the person out, with the pressure.

I don't know that he'll survive this. Almost nobody can.

Can't remember a politician who survived this much pressure. The only one I can remember is rod --

PAT: Doug.

STU: Trump is a good example. That's a good example actually. Trump, they hit him with everything.

It was opposition pressure.

PAT: Yeah. It wasn't his own party.

STU: But Blagojevich was hit in his state, and by everybody to the point that he got to a 4 percent approval rating.

Four. It's the lowest I've ever seen of any -- I think Jeffrey Epstein might have five.

4 percent is about as low as I've ever seen for a public figure.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

Which is also his dating age.

STU: He stuck it out the whole time -- it was. It is.


Oh, people. No. No.

GLENN: Oh, that's just wrong.

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