Photo: Akchamczuk / iStock / Getty Images
A Minnesota man is facing numerous charges for allowing his ten-year-old daughter to drive an ATV with her friend on their property in April 2023.
Authorities in Washington County said that 54-year-old Lance Alan Koeckeritz gave his daughter permission to his daughter Savanna to drive the adult-sized ATV with her friend, ten-year-old Lexi Gibson.
While riding through their property, Savanna lost control while making a turn and crashed the ATV, which rolled over and landed on top of them. Koeckeritz was not with the girls and had no idea about the crash until his wife came home and asked where the girls were.
Several of the Koeckeritz's other kids went out looking for them and found the girls trapped underneath the ATV. They worked to free the girls, but it was too late, and they were pronounced dead. They were not wearing helmets or other protective gear.
Koeckeritz told the police that his children were allowed to drive the ATVs and did not need to ask permission before taking them out. Police informed him that officials recommend children ages ten and 11 should only be allowed to ride an ATV with a 110cc engine. The ATV his daughter was driving had an 800cc engine and was capable of reaching speeds of 100 mph.
Koeckeritz defended his decision during a phone conversation with the Star Tribune.
"Us and the kids have hundreds of hours on four-wheelers," Koeckeritz told the paper.
"It's the way we all grew up. There wasn't a lack of confidence in her abilities. She was making a left-hand turn, and a wheel got caught in a divot. It was just unforeseen," he added.
Koeckeritz was charged with two counts of second-degree manslaughter and two counts of child endangerment causing harm or death.
He said he was shocked to learn he was facing charges.
"The fact that the county prosecutor would even be contemplating charges is mind-blowing," Koeckeritz said. "Isn't it enough that my other kids have lost our daughter due to a freak accident?"